Motoring Tips | Motorama Blogs
Understanding Paddle Shifters: How They Work and Why You'll Love Using Them
Initially a feature exclusive to high-performance sports cars, paddle shifters have made their way into regular commuter cars over the past two decades. In sports cars, paddle shifters are primari...
Read More5 Things To Do Before Taking Delivery Of Your Car
You've signed on the dotted line and you'll be on the road in no time! Before you get going, we wanted to just give you a few quick tips. ✓ Make sure you update your car's insurance policy. If the...
Read MoreBest 3 Sunshine Coast Road Trips With Kids
Looking for some inspiration for a weekend getaway? We've selected 3 of the best locations on the Sunshine Coast to take your kids for a road trip. Go out and explore, we're sure you'll enjoy t...
Read MoreUnleashing the Full Potential of Your Electric Vehicle
Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the way we drive. While they share many similarities with their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts, one repeated concern for EV owners is the ...
Read MoreBenefits of Using Premium Fuel
Fuel companies and car manufacturers alike regularly promote the performance benefits of high-octane fuels, being either 95 or 98 here down under. But are these claims accurate? And what are the b...
Read MoreHere's How to Adjust Your Car Mirrors Correctly
Correctly adjusting side mirrors is something that every driver should do, every time they drive. Whether the car is your daily drive or you’re ferrying home a friend in their vehicle, taking a min...
Read MoreEverything You Need to Know About ISOFIX
ISOFIX has been allowed in Australia as a standard for child seats for almost a decade now. Why is it a safer alternative and what makes ISOFIX compliant seats different? With research by Monash Un...
Read MoreTop 5 Common Parking Fines & How to Avoid Them
Have you ever come back to your car to find an expensive little ticket on your windscreen? We’ve tracked down the most common ways that parkers get fined, so you know what to look out for next time...
Read MoreMust See Christmas Lights in Brisbane for 2023
As Christmas approaches, there's no better way to spend a warm Summer's night in Brisbane than catching the epic Christmas lights displays that illuminate our suburbs. No matter which area of Brisb...
Read MoreSchool Holiday Car Safety Checks
If you’re planning a driving holiday for the school holiday's now’s the time to make sure your cars up to the trip. There are several simple preventative maintenance checks which could help you av...
Read MoreHow To Calculate Your Towing Capacity
If your buying your next car with the intention to tow, it is vital that you are fully aware of it's capacity to tow, and what influences the actual weight. When choosing a car to tow with you, you...
Read MoreThree Top Tips to Save on Fuel
There are a few tricks you can use to save fuel and reduce the amount of visits to the petrol station. Have a look at our top 3! It's very simple: the faster you drive, the more fuel your engine us...
Read More3 Great Roads for Driving Near Brisbane
The time has never been better to get out on the open road for a weekend drive. With that in mind we’ve put together a shortlist of some of Brisbane's best roads for driving for you to enjoy from b...
Read MoreProtecting Your Ride: Choosing the Right Seat Covers
While you might have thought that all seat covers are the same, here are some important things to consider before handing over your hard-earned cash. The majority of modern vehicles sold today are ...
Read MoreThe Best Fuel Price Monitoring Apps to Help Save on Fuel
As individuals, we can’t control the price of fuel, however, we can find the cheapest fuel nearby using one of the many fuel price apps available. While researching for this article, we found at le...
Read MoreIs E10 Fuel Good For My Car?
E10 fuel is often the cheapest option at the petrol station. But what makes it so cheap, and is it good for your car? E10 fuel was introduced around 10 years ago, to decrease Queensland’s reliance ...
Read MoreThe Difference Between Driving Modes Explained
Different road conditions demand different driving characters of the car. Different drivers have different driving styles. That's why most cars have different driving modes you can choose from. Her...
Read MoreHow to Correctly Adjust Your Headlights
Headlights are some of those things that everyone needs to use, every time it’s dark. Most of the time driving at night and using your headlights is a worry free and simple operation, that is until...
Read MoreHow to Fix Keyless Entry
If your car has a push button start, what happens if you can’t get it started? We took a look at what happens if your key fob can’t get you moving. Push button starting is the way of the future – t...
Read More5+1 Reasons to buy a new Toyota Camry
We looked at the top five reasons to get into the new sedan. On paper, the new Toyota Camry is dubbed a ‘medium’ sedan – but at just under 5m long and sitting on a longer wheelbase than the last mo...
Read MoreFixing Your Keyless Entry Issues
If your car has a push button start, what happens if you can’t get it started? We took a look at what happens if your key fob can’t get you moving. Push button starting is the way of the future – t...
Read MoreOwnership Tips & Advice
Car ownership is an ongoing labour of love and being in the business for over fifty years, we've developed a pretty good understanding of what's needed to keep a car in its best condition and runni...
Read MorePre-Owned Car Owner's Guide: Helpful Articles to Start Your Pre-Owned Car Journey Smoothly
Purchasing a car is an exciting time for most people but can also be a bit daunting for some. We like to support our customers transition into their newly purchased car as much as possible which is...
Read MoreTravel Tips & Ideas for New Car Owners
So you've had your new car for a few weeks now, you're confident driving it and you've adjusted all the settings to your liking - now it's time to take it on an adventure! That's why we've put toge...
Read MoreNew Car Owner's Guide: Helpful Articles to Start Your New Car Journey Smoothly
Purchasing a new car is an exciting time for most people but can also be a bit daunting for some. We like to support our customers transition into their new car as much as possible which is why we'...
Read MoreWindows Down or Air Conditioning Up?
As Queenslanders we are truly blessed to live in a state where the sun is often shining and the temperatures are usually high - there's a reason they call this the sunshine state after all! Howeve...
Read MoreHow to Maintain Your Windscreen Wipers
Bad weather seems to be heading our way and that means decreased visibility when driving. Let's have a look at what you can do to avoid loud windscreen wipers that skip, and don't wipe your windscr...
Read MoreHigh Beam Etiquette
With shorter days during the cooler months in Australia, it's worth thinking about wet weather driving and the best ways to stay safe on the road even when visibility and driving conditions aren't ...
Read MoreHow can you keep your car secure?
Whenever you park your car at home, at the shops or at work, you hope that your car is secure enough to make sure it doesn’t get broken into or stolen. There are a number of reasons why cars get st...
Read More3 Awesome Iphone Apps For Your Car
Driving - there's an app for that! Did you know that there are hundreds of great iPhone applications available from the iTunes app store that can make driving easier and more convenient? We've asse...
Read MoreThe Importance of Crash Test Dummies
Whenever we think of safety and vehicle testing, the plastic family of four crash test dummies springs to mind. So what do these crash test dummies actually do? What is their purpose? Crash test du...
Read MoreThe Side Effect of Driving Fast
We all know how dangerous speeding can be. It's a factor in at least one third of all road accidents in Australia, and is responsible for hundreds of fatalities each year. While many drivers still...
Read MoreWhat to do after a car accident
Accidents happen, and the chances are at some point in your life you’ll be involved or exposed to one in a car. This is a guide for you on what to do after a car accident, so keep calm and buckle u...
Read MoreYour Guide To Engine Transmissions
The number of different transmissions on the market seems to be increasing year on year and while they all do effectively the same thing, transferring engine power to the wheels, what makes them al...
Read MoreGPS 101: How to Never Get Lost Again
Imagine you're driving down the Bruce Highway in the flash ride you bought from your local used car dealers in Brisbane. You take a left at the wrong exit and all of a sudden you're lost in some ba...
Read MoreCar Buying Tips for Your New Baby
If you're soon to have the little pitter patter of feet around your home, now is a good time to start assessing your vehicle requirements. Is your baby's car seat going to fit comfortably in your c...
Read MoreCar Sickness: What is it and how can you prevent it
Anyone who's ever suffered from travel sickness will know how debilitating it can be, and how quickly it can derail a road trip. Take a closer look at what car sickness is, how to treat it and how ...
Read MoreIt's easy being green
As global warming and carbon emissions become buzzwords on everyone's lips, there's an increasing focus on how our cars and driving habits can better protect the environment. Whether it's by makin...
Read MoreTurning Left on a Red Light in Queensland is here!
In what is a debatably positive move, Brisbane is currently trialling left turns through red lights at five intersections throughout the South-East. The system has already been successfully impleme...
Read MoreQLD Rego Labels: Now a Thing of the Past
Did you know that you don’t need to have a rego label in your window anymore? Yes, you do still need to register your car, motorcycle, trailer or caravan but from October 1, 2014 the Queensland Gov...
Read MoreLeft on Red rollout expanded in Brisbane
Brisbane City Council’s ‘left turn on red’ campaign to reduce traffic congestion for commuters has been a wild success at the five intersections implemented so far. A further ten intersections now ...
Read MoreSchool Terms and 40 Zones
School’s back for another year, so that means 40 zones are in effect in the morning and afternoons. From 7am – 9am, and from 2pm – 4pm you cannot exceed 40km/h in a school zone. Some schools that h...
Read MoreMotorama's date night ideas
Stuck for places to go with your other half? Left it too late to reserve anything but the drive-through at Maccas? Let us play wingman, and take care of the romance. The movies are the obvious go-...
Read MoreHow to Demist Your Windscreen Instantly
You go to head off in the morning, but your windscreen is completely fogged up. How do you solve it quickly? It’s not the way you might think. It’s cold out, so put the demister on the hottest tem...
Read MoreLane Splitting Laws in QLD
Motorcyclists have the benefit of being able to zip in and out of traffic, much to the dismay of car drivers – who are often caught off guard by a biker flying up the side of them. Before you repo...
Read MoreWhat Should Your Car Warranty Cover?
Every car, new or used, sold in Australia is covered by a warranty, either by the manufacturer or by the government to stop people getting scammed. Do you know if you’re covered if something goes w...
Read MoreHow Safe is your Pet in the Car?
We all want to bring our four legged friend with us while travelling, but do you know how to properly care for your pet while it is in the car with you? We have put together some of the best tips o...
Read MoreUnderstanding CTP Insurance
Are you in the know when it comes to CTP insurance? If not, our guide will get you up to scratch. CTP is an acronym for Compulsory Third Party (Insurance). Essentially, it legally covers the owner ...
Read MoreMust-have apps on the road
Back in the day, you needed a Refedex and a computer to find out how to get from A to B. Then you had to decide where to stay and what to do once you got there. Now, with a few taps and a swipe on...
Read MoreDAB+ Digital Radio Explained
A lot of people talk about Digital Radio. Whether you’re on the eight ball or have never even heard of the service before, this article will provide you with the info about the revolutionary digit...
Read MoreDriving to the conditions
It’s easy to be a confident driver on a nice sealed road with not much traffic. But what about when the conditions suddenly change? When the road is clear, the sun is out and your feeling alert, it...
Read MoreFuel Saving Tips to Delay the Low Fuel Light
After a busy few days of work, dropping off and picking up the kids from school you’re now on the way to soccer practice but all of a sudden your fuel light has come on. Will you make it? Will you ...
Read MoreKeep Your Leather Clean & Luxurious in Two-Steps
Leather seats can make any car instantly feel more luxurious, look amazing, as well as more comfortable. However, just like the exterior of your car, you have to care for it. This involves caring, ...
Read MoreHow to Clean the Interior of Your Car
When it comes to judging people, they say it's what's inside that matters most. The same applies to your car. You might have given your ride a good wash and wax to make it gleam form the outside, b...
Read MoreTips for Washing Your Car
Despite still being a dream to drive, unfortunately once you take your car home from the dealership it most likely won’t stay in that pristine showroom condition forever, shining from boot to hood....
Read MoreCleaning Your Car For A Date
So you’ve booked a table at a fancy restaurant, got some schmick new duds and a styling new haircut – ready to hit the town. But before you pull up outside their house, dressed to impress – take a ...
Read MoreInfringement notices
If you’ve faced the dreaded red & blue lights in the rear view mirror, you’ll know that there’s rarely ever a compliment on your driving about to come. Before you get an infringement notice, re...
Read MoreHow to Find the Best Cheap Parking in Brisbane
Finding car parks in the CBD in Brisbane can be a challenge, especially trying to park somewhere on the cheap. We’ve rounded up a couple of the best, bargain Brisbane City parking spots that will k...
Read MoreParking in the city with a 4WD
Going into Brisbane City with your car, not only do you have to squeeze into a basement carpark – but also budget for a small fortune to leave your vehicle in there. If you’re taking your 4X4 into ...
Read MoreDealership Car Finance 101
When you get into the dealership, you’ll often be ushered in to speak to the finance team, even if you’re not quite sure what car you want yet. We took a look at dealer finance from behind the offi...
Read MoreThe Best Apps to Beat the Commute
Commuting around Brisbane can turn a good day into a stressful one. We took a look at three apps that will take the hassle out of your drive to and from work. You can leave the house in the morning...
Read More5 Road Rules We All Break
Either we don't care or we don't know, but we break the rules constantly. Here's a list of the 5 road rules Brisbane drivers break on a daily basis. RACQ spokeswoman Lauren Ritchie says drivers we...
Read MoreIs My 5 Star ANCAP Car Still Safe?
When you buy your car you want it to be as safe as possible. But each year, Australia’s independent safety advocate tightens the restrictions to make sure new cars are getting safer. There has been...
Read MoreKeeping your ANCAP up-to-date
The age of vehicles involved in fatalities is rising and the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) doesn’t like it. They test brand new vehicles when released on the market and give them ...
Read MoreReady, Set, Tow!
So you’ve got the car, you’ve got your boat, trailer or caravan and you’re ready to go. From large yachts, camper trailers to 20-foot+ caravans, the amount of things you can hook up to the back of ...
Read MoreHoliday towing tips
When the holidays hit, it’s time to hitch up the caravan and get on the road. Before you go, you need to make sure it’s safe to get there and back. Towing is very different from everyday driving –I...
Read MoreTips for Travelling with Kids
Heading off for a holiday with kids? Here are some activities for the road that will make the trip go a little quicker. The traditional set of I Spy, Hangman and Alphabet Categories are always a hi...
Read More3 Apps to help plan your next adventure
Whether you’re going all out for the school holidays, or just hitting the road for a weekend getaway: you can never over-plan. We found the planning tools to help you make the most of your adventur...
Read MoreSurviving Holiday Travel
The holidays can be a stressful time, especially if you have to travel. Before you get on the road, read our guide on arriving safely and stress-free. When the school holidays roll around, or even ...
Read MoreStaying connected on the holidays
Hitting the road for the holidays? You’ll want to stay connected online to check in with friends and family. We’ve got the guide to keep you on Instagram and Facebook. Going online constantly has b...
Read MoreThe Ultimate Holiday Road Trip Guide
Queensland is awash with holiday destinations, literally, down the road. We took the scenic route to discover the best way to roadtrip. Planning ahead for the holidays is always stressful, but arme...
Read MoreRoad Ready: Essential Items to Carry in Your Car
If you've ever been in a vehicle that has broken down, you'll probably find yourself making a mental note to take your set of wheels to the car service centre more often. Sometimes there are just ...
Read More3 Getaway Options to Avoid Camping Grounds
If you’re exploring Queensland these holidays, you always want to find the site away from the crowds. For your next adventure, the Motorama 4X4XMORE team found the left-field options that can get y...
Read MoreFuel discount with new myToyota app
You probably already have heaps of apps on your phone but if you’re a Toyota owner, you should definitely not miss out on downloading their new myToyota app. Next to features like giving you an ove...
Read MoreThe low down on Fuel Consumption stickers
Have you ever wondered why your fuel consumption might not be what your car’s Fuel Consumption Label says it should be? Let us break it down for you. Thanks to the Australian Government, every new ...
Read MoreFuel Types Explained
When refuelling your car you have a wide range of fuel to choose from, so what fuel is the best to use? Different fuel stations have different names, but most fuels come under handful of simple cat...
Read MoreHow Much Should You Pay For Fuel?
The price of fuel is one of the main running costs of your car – and the one that you can rely on to be a regular charge on your weekly budget. How much is too much to pay for fuel? Australia has a...
Read MoreYour Pre-Trip Checklist
Before you go on vacation or a road trip, make sure you tick off the Motorama Pre-Trip Checklist.
Read MoreLane Support Systems Explained
There are three levels of LSS, which are commonly referred to as Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Lane Keep Assist (LKA) and Lane Centring Assist (LCA). LDW - Lane Departure Warning, provides the driv...
Read More5 Tips to Store your Car Properly
When you have to leave your car unused, or driving a lot less then usual for a long period, be it because you are in self-isolation, on an extended holiday, or you are moving and can't take it with...
Read MoreFocus on your driving, not your phone
FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out – is putting lives at risk on our roads every day. Distraction is listed as the fourth highest contributing factor in crashes, behind speed, alcohol and fatigue. When...
Read MorePlanning Your EV Roadtrip
Australia’s public charging infrastructure is constantly growing. Every year it gets easier to set off in an Electric Vehicle (EV) and know you’ll arrive on time and with plenty of charge. But it s...
Read MoreGlass House Mountains Tourist Drive
The Glass House Mountains are one of the most popular destinations for weekend trips around Brisbane. The tourist drives are often filled with locals during the weekend, visiting the forests, moun...
Read MoreWhat To Do When Your Keyless Entry Stops Working
We all love technology, but what happens when it goes wrong? The modern car key has made our lives easier but what happens when the battery in the key fob goes flat and you have somewhere to be? We...
Read More5 Things We Love About the Next-Gen Ford Ranger
The new Next-Gen Ford Ranger has been on our showroom floor for a few weeks now - enough time for us to really check it out and enjoy some of the stand-out features. We thought we’d put together a ...
Read MoreYour guide to towing
Taking the boat or caravan on holiday is an Australian tradition - and one of the many reasons people step into a Toyota. But like any activity involving your vehicle; it can be dangerous if you do...
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